It's 68 degrees and beautiful outside, but I'm in my room wasting the day away! I just have no energy after all the crap I've done this week...finishing a presentation that I didn't do much with until the last minute, studying furiously for accounting and business law, dealing with some personal crud, and working too much. I've been getting to bed so late that I overslept for my first class on Friday. Remember all the exercise I did last week? Well, it didn't happen so much this week. I did eat pretty well though and the scale is down another 1.5 pounds for the week.
So anyways, I've been catching up on reading my favorite blogs that I haven't had a chance to during the week. I was shocked to hear that one of my favorite writers,
Beckie, is stopping her challenge. I guess I would stop too if the food fight was affecting my attitude. So far, my focus on food/health has made me happier overall and has helped me realize other goals too. I've been working on a list of reasons why to lose weight/exercise/eat healthy to push me to keep on doing it and not procrastinate.
- Exercise is much more comfortable when your thighs aren't creating friction and rashes.
- Larger clothing takes up too much room in my suitcase.
- No strange arm flappiness when I wave hello/goodbye.
- Not having to worry about springing a leak when I laugh too hard.
- Being able to see future grandchildren grow up and get married without any medical devices.
- No worrying about squeezing into a seat into the auditorium and taking up all the shared arm rest too.
- Being able to go to a restaurant and not having people check out exactly how much I eat.
- Being able to run a mile without onlookers debating whether they need to call 911.
- Cuter clothes! Ann Taylor size 8 here I come! --Jenniy
- I cannot wait for the day when I will no longer feel the need to wear pantyhose under everything to smooth out all the rolls and jiggles.--Kerri
- I look forward to running down a flight of stairs and not feeling my belly jiggle like a bowl full of jelly.--Renee
- I look forward to sitting in my car and not feeling the creases on the sides mashing together.--Renee
- Not having my thighs rub together, better yet, if I can achieve that sexy sexy space Windsor Pilates always talks about--Renee
- My gut no longer overlapping my jeans when I sit down--Still Renee :)
- Shopping for style & pleasure vs. practicality & pain--Renee (I love your extra reasons on your site that spawned so I'm copying!)
- Having so much muscle I can eat whatever (w/in reason), eat more calories (good ones of course) and know my metabolism is humming on high vs. being stuck on slow--Renee rocks!
- Wearing racerback tanks and capri yoga pants when shopping while looking totally fit--Renee is going strong!
- Running a race or two--I ditto on this!
- The looks on people who haven't seen me in a while--I'm definitely looking forward to that!
Because I am loving the increase in comments as of late (I will respond to all recent ones a bit later), I'm going to ask for some audience participation.
What do you look forward to as a result of achieving weight loss/better eating habits/more exercise? As you add your responses, I'll add them on here. Let's see how long this list can grow!