Thursday, July 07, 2005
Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jog

Well, I've been back from Florida since Sunday night and am still settling in. I still need to upload my many pictures to share. I've come back a little tanner, a lot poorer, and brought home a lovely new rash too! If I knew that I wouldn't have to attend most of the seminars, I would have packed a bunch more casual clothes. I spent a lot of time at Universal and Disney...wish I would have got a chance to get to SeaWorld. I also got soaked so rained everyday, but it didn't last too long.

So how'd the competition go? Arrrrrgh!!!! 11th out of 80 in accounting (some states sent their 2nd place winner too) so one short of a trophy. In computer applications (another event I could have chosen since I won it, but state rules allowed me to compete in only one event :(), the 2nd place winner got 6th in the nation. I could have brought that home! But, I have at least another year to compete...three more years if I continue on with another school that has a PBL chapter. My advisor said I should be proud because most of these people have at least a year more accounting education above me...but still, my pride is a bit hurt!

After getting home, I had a nice 4th of July with my family and extended relatives. It was nice to just chill out and not have to worry about anything for another day.

Yesterday, I went back to the doctor again. Yes, I'm sure he's sick of seeing me, but after spending the end of my trip with a rash, night sweats, and two bloody noses along with all the other old symptoms, it was time to be checked out again. I also discovered a huge bruise on my abdomen that wasn't there before I left. Still waiting for results...he is running a bunch of bloodwork, did a chest X-ray since my lymph glands seemed quite swollen, and is also checking for West Nile virus (hello, I haven't been bit by a mosquito recently!) This whole situation is making me quite depressed...there just seems to be no end in sight. I also just don't have the energy to do much of anything...everything is such an effort! I haven't went to my own home yet sisters are sick of seeing me at their place so I know I have to go. They have yelled at me every second they can get and I know I've overstayed my welcome, but I just don't like being alone. I think it's about time to talk to another type of professional about this too...why can't I get my act together? Arrrgh!!

Well, if I don't post again soon, my sisters have either beat me into submission (LOL) or have found a way to get me committed to the looney bin!!