Woohoo!!!! Tonight was my last night at work until Tuesday!! No more fighting with underwriters and dealing with cranky customers for a week!! I even got to go home 30 minutes early. When I left, I told my coworkers "I quit....till Tuesday." I just have three classes to get through tomorrow and I'm officially free!! Easter/Spring break right now is just what I need :) I actually have plans for this full time. Since my sister is still reading this darn thing (I have no idea why!), I'm not going to divulge my plans till then...let me just say, it's ABOUT DAMN TIME.
I'm stealing the following from
Kimba who stole it from
Accent: Midwestern. And I have a tendency to drag out my Os, but it is nowhere close to the accents in the movie
FargoBra size: 40C
Chore I hate: Shoveling snow
(step)Dad's name: David
Essential make-up: flavored lip gloss. Yep, I'm a bit lax when it comes to making up my face...the picture shows that pretty clearly :) When I have time to dicker around, blush and mascara come out!
Favorite perfume: I sneeze if I wear most perfume, so Love Spell from Victoria's Secret is my mainstay
Gold or Silver: Silver
Hometown: Sioux Falls
Interesting fact: My whole band came very close to being arrested in Tiananmen Square in 1999
Job title: Personal Banker
Kids: Sure, but I need a full-time man first. Well, technically I don't, but that's what I'd prefer!
Living arrangements: With my roommates Sarah and Erin and Sarah's two dogs Baylor and Belmont...someday soon will be with Paul in NYC
Mom's Birthplace: Humboldt
Number of apples eaten in last week: Two so far
Overnight hospital stays: Four...when I was born, when I had my tonsils and adenoids removed, when I broke my ankle, and once when diagnosed with asthma
Phobia: Deep water since I'm not the strongest swimmer, big snakes
Question you ask yourself a lot: "What the hell am I doing?"
Religious affiliation: Methodist although it's been a bit since I've stepped inside a church
Siblings: Three younger sisters: Danielle is 18, Amber just turned 17, and Brenna is 12
Time I wake up: about 6:30 or 6:45 Monday-Thursday and Saturday, about 8 on Fridays, and whenever I want on Sunday
Unnatural hair color: Currently blonde and reddish highlights...I've never had a complete color change
Vegetable I refuse to eat: Tomatoes! They have to be blended like in vegetable soup or in the form of ketchup for me to handle it!
Worst habit: Procrastination.
X-rays: Ankle, wrist, knee, spine, teeth
Yummy food I make: Ooh, this is tough since I don't cook very often. I do make a good spanish rice and chicken dish, scotcharoos, and Mountain Dew salad
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Walking a Marathon!
One of my worst traits is not being able to say no to requests. If someone wants me to do something, I'll try my hardest to accomplish it. Well, this time, not saying no is a good thing :)
I'm going to participate in a marathon!! One of the members of the
Ediets LO read about the six month marathon training schedule in
Prevention magazine and proposed that we get a group together and do it! So, in October, I'm planning on participating in the Marine Corps Marathon with them all. I don't know all the logistics yet, but I know that there is a limit to how many can participate and registration starts April 6th. The training schedule looks okay to me, so it will definitely keep me on course to accomplishing my own challenge to myself (which will start March 25th...look for details then!).
As a warmup to my own overall health and mental challenge, I plan on going to a WW meeting
todayTHURSDAY. I ended up being a little too late for today :( I haven't went back for about a month again due to finances. A friend of mine from school started five weeks ago and tells me every Tuesday during Business Law class on how well she's doing. I'm wondering if she's hinting that I should start going or if she is just that excited about her success. Usually, our conversations don't regard fitness at all. She has no idea that I actually am a member. So, as long as my class gets out on time, I'll be driving over during my lunch break. Since I have been halfway on track again, I'm not really worried about the scale, although I know it's a few pounds above my last visit. Wish me luck!
Posted by
Ms Gigglepuss @
10:50 AM |
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Picture Update!
Just a quick update! I am still working on my new challenge for myself...I'll have it figured out by tomorrow hopefully! I will share a picture for you now that will have to keep you satisfied till I post more! It doesn't show my highlights the best, but you get the idea :) I'll post some full-body pictures (oh the horror, I know!) with the challenge post.
You can see a small version in the sidebar, but here is the full size, without makeup on (pay no attention to the lovely shower curtain behind me)...
Also, I've found some great new sites to visit over the weekend! I haven't added them to the blogroll yet, but you should still check it out!
Thanks to
Nicole, I found the
Chubby Girl Brigade again! I stumbled across this spot before I started blogging, but had lost all my favorites. If you haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend that you do. I think the attitudes shared there are great :)
Posted by
Ms Gigglepuss @
10:28 PM |
Friday, March 18, 2005
Happy Birthday to Me!
Well, I'm 27 now and I don't feel a bit older yet!! My coworkers guessed that I was turning 23! LOL!! When I'm old, I'm sure I'll appreciate the young comments, but I'd love to be my age once. When I was in 5th grade, people mistakenly believed my sister was my daughter. It's odd how impressions change!
Since we're covered with over a foot of snow, we didn't go out for my birthday yet. Pretty much without fail, there is always snow on my birthday. It could be 70 degrees the next day (yes, it has happened!), but the snow gods love to smack us on my day! Good thing I'm not a cake fan because I didn't get one! My mom is going to make me an angel food cupcake tomorrow. If you've never had one, they are yummy and not bad for WW points either! I spent the night watching movies with the family...exciting, I know. I got a cool jacket that I've been eyeing for awhile and some Bath and Body Works stuff. I guess I'm getting more later...due to the weather changing, my family didn't really get out to buy anything. Yes, we all carry the procrastination gene :) I'm waiting for my gift from Paul...he says if I don't get up there over Spring Break that he'll send it. Just a week away now!!
And for an update from yesterday's post, I love my new hair cut!! I got to the salon early and found some cute ideas in a book. I think the color is the best part!! I took some pictures last night, but they just don't show the highlights the best. Everybody at work was commenting about my hair...either my hair was so bad before (well it was starting to look pretty shabby) or this one is just way better. I'll put up some pictures this weekend!
Finally, for a weight update, I'm down another pound :) I'm working on devising a challenge for myself for May and then for my next birthday. I'll share a bit more tomorrow!
Posted by
Ms Gigglepuss @
11:27 PM |
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Dying My Hair Green :)
Happy Day Before My Birthday!!! Or as it is more commonly known, St. Patrick's Day. I'm wearing my bit of green although I have no Irish in me! Since I still have school and work tomorrow, I won't be partying too hard tonight.
Today, I'm finally getting my hair cut and colored! I haven't had a dye job since last summer and some nasty, stress-created white strands are popping up. Quelle Horrour! I always have trouble when I get a hair cut because I NEVER know what to do with it. I look at pictures beforehand, but I just can't make a decision on if it will actually look good. And then, when I tell the hair stylist to do something different, it usually ends up looking the same way it always does...dull and boring. Also, I'd love to donate some of my hair thickness to someone so I can style it and blowdry it without the urge to strangle myself. And I do NOT want the typical "chubby girl" style that I see all the time. I know all about the virtual hairstyle thing, but I'm not about to pay extra money just to give the haircut a test run. I want to start my birthday tomorrow (my 27th) on a high note by looking wonderful! Then, you'll get to see some pictures :) I'm picturing something in my head with more layers and flippiness...I know it's going to be tough, but I want what I want! Once I find the stylist who can make me love my hair and forget that it weighs 12 tons, I will build a shrine in her honor!
Also, does anybody have a good magic spell to make my period stop now?? Aunt Flo is jabbing me with her knitting needles and I've had to haul it to the bathroom every couple of hours to change my coverage! I do not need the embarrassment of an accident!! TMI, I know...but this royally sucks!!! My doc hasn't been very helpful in this area at all...I'm going to have to schedule an appointment yet again if this keeps up.
To end this post on a positive note, I'll share a bit of "Ireland for Dummies" :)
GreenStrangely enough, Irish people tend to wear everything except green, which is associated with too many national tragedies, including 1798, the Famine and the current Irish soccer team. It's possible that green just doesn't suit the Irish skin colour, which is generally pale blue.
Irish DancingThere are two main kinds of Irish dancing: (1) Riverdance , which is now simultaneously running in every major city except Ulan Bater and which some economists believe is responsible for the Irish economic boom; and (2),Real Irish dancing, in which men do not wear frilly blouses and you still may not express yourself, except in a written note to the adjudicators.
Woolly JumpersIreland produces vast quantities of woolen knitwear and, under a US/Irish trade agreement, American visitors may not leave without a minimum of two sweaters, of which one at least must be predominantly green. Airline staff may check that you have the required documentation before you are allowed to disembark. Continental (that's Europe, not the airline) visitors are only required to have one woolly jumper, but must have a copy of "The Collected Works of Seamus Heaney" as well.
Posted by
Ms Gigglepuss @
1:24 PM |
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Hello Again
[[Ring, Ring]]
Me: "Hello!"
AF: "Hi, Jodi dear! It's Aunt Flo!"
Me: "What's up? I was wondering why you left so quickly last week!"
AF: "I know, I forgot to bring my knitting needles, so I ran back home. But, I'm coming back soon."
Me: [[cringing]]"How soon?"
AF: "Anytime now. In fact, you should probably be preparing the guest room again now."
Me: "Gosh, I'm a little busy this week, but I suppose you can come for a bit. Where are you now?"
[[Knock on the door]]
Yes, Aunt Flo is back with a vengeance! I knew her two day visit couldn't be the end of it. I just hope she doesn't decide on an extended visit!
In other news, to just add to the stress of Aunt Flo's crimson waves, my left rear tire decided to punk out today. No, it didn't just go flat...it decided to splat on the interstate!! All of a sudden, my car started shuddering and heating up inside...I was just about to the offramp to get to school...so close I can taste it...so I pull over once I get to a good spot. The tire was completely shredded, there was no spare in my trunk (where did it go??), and I didn't remember much from Girl Scouts on how to fix it anyways! Also, I had no tow truck # on my cell phone or AAA membership to rely on. So, I frantically call my parents...my sister calls my mom at work and then calls my stepdad at work. He came to my rescue! During the 45 minutes that I wait, only ONE person stops to see if I need any help. She stopped two minutes before my stepdad got there, so I told her thanks, but my help is coming :) She looked a bit relieved! I really need to learn more about doing my own car maintentance again...I just hate looking like the helpless damsel in distress (unless it gets me a smart, handsome man to help!)
Luckily, I get paid today so I'll be able to cover a tire, finally make my travel arrangements for spring break, the NYC trip in May (the hotel is already taken care of, at least), and hopefully find a business suit for my conference coming up. Does stress help my weight-loss efforts? We'll find out when I weigh in again this week :)
Posted by
Ms Gigglepuss @
10:36 AM |
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Hello, My Name is Asslee
Nothing new to report, but a friend of mine from Ediets got me hooked on doing some darn quizzes this weekend! The results are a bit enlightening :) Especially my crayon color! My Aunt Flo did leave quite quickly this round (must have been scared off by my messy room...), and due to finally having some major homework finished, I finally got to relax a bit!
So anyways, here are my results!
Your Porn Star Name is: Asslee Bendover
You are |
Expect a more meaningful entry later :)
Posted by
Ms Gigglepuss @
10:28 PM |
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Putting On My Tech Hat :)
Hello World!
Well, howdy to you all if this post makes it on to my blog alive! Blogger has been burping and more most of the day...I think it has a bit of acid reflux. I try to post something or change the template and Blogger tells me, "Now you know I can't be eating these spicy posts or new changes! It upsets my tummy so :(" Yes, inanimate things speak to me sometimes and I often carry wonderful conversations with them. So, all I get from all my effort is some foul smelling burps in my face when I hit publish.
Since I had some spare time between classes today, I put on my geek/tech hat and made some minor changes. Yes, you can now comment on my individual post pages! And when you get lost in them, you can get back home. I also stuck my "Reasons Why to Lose the Cow" to the side bar so if you'd like to add some of your ideas in a few days/months/years, here's your chance :)
I am so glad that I don't have any more major assignments to procrastinate doing for at least another week. Last night, I got 2.5 lovely hours of sleep after researching and writing note cards for my speech I had to present this morning. I definitely did not look my best, and I am cringing about having to watch it on video later. Yes, my instructor decided to add to the humiliation factor for this one. Hopefully the camera won't magnify those lovely bags under my eyes. I don't have any more tests until after break (woohoo on the last tests for me with a 98 on Business Law on Tuesday and 93 in Personal Finance!) unless our accounting instructor decides to throw another one at us.
After school, I took a wonderful two hour nap (till an oboe lesson woke me up!), and I wouldn't mind sleeping a bit more. Fighting the almost 40 mph winds today really tuckered me out! If I was running the mile in the right direction, I bet my time would be almost cut in half with the wind factor! For my first Thursday off with my new schedule, I'll be missing my aerobics/sculpt class (the whole reason I changed my day off to begin with!), but sometimes sleep is just more important. I need to listen to my body a lot more about these things. I'm going to wrap this post up, eat supper, and then get to the comfort of my bed again :) Sounds like a perfect night to me!
Posted by
Ms Gigglepuss @
7:05 PM |
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Nasty-Ass Salad!!
Someone who commented recently here is flippin' psychic!!
Girl from Florida, you are wise beyond your years. In honor of
International Women's Day, my lovely time of the month/two weeks/skip a few visits/etc. decided to come visit. Even with the lovely pill, my Aunt Flo doesn't really pay attention to the calendar...her stay could be early/short/get the heck out before I kick you out...well you get the picture. I didn't even have the bloat. So, a bit of my mood may be contributed to that, but I'm still quite a bit out of sorts. I even got a bit snippy to a supervisor today...and if you knew how laid-back and quiet I can be in person, you'd be shocked! I just feel so overwhelmed right now and could really use a life preserver in these troubled waters right now. Would anybody like to volunteer to make some decisions for me??
So anyways, I was a good girl and picked up a salad in the cafeteria at school today. I will NEVER EVER do that again. It beckoned, "Take me, please! I'm nutritious and delicious!" Well, first of all , salads should never talk. Second of all, the dressing also ruined it. I took one bite and I thought I'd need to haul it to the ladies to expunge that taste from my mouth! Gosh, I wish my tastebuds could develop amnesia. So, I ate the carrots, and a bit of the lettuce, and a couple bites of the chicken on top (cold, slimy, and just gross). The Dr. Pepper did it's best to clear my palate. My stomach is just churning by thinking about that nasty-ass salad.
A lot of my favorites on my blogroll are starting to add a bit more pictures...I keep meaning to do that!! That will be my next chore after I finish preparing my speech. I totally blew it off over the weekend, so I'll be burning the midnight oil tomorrow so I don't look like an idiot on Thursday when I present it. If I can just make it through the next 1.5 weeks, I have a break from work and class to accomplish so many things!
Posted by
Ms Gigglepuss @
12:13 AM |
Monday, March 07, 2005
Sleep is Good!
Last night, I did something that I haven't done in a LONG time. I went to bed by 10:30 PM! For once, it wasn't hard at all to wake up this morning. I definitely needed it after being all out of sorts for the past week. I was so off kilter yesterday that I wasn't even hungry all day and ended up with only 300 calories consumed. Before you start freaking out, my dinner/breakfast was at midnight Sunday due to having to bring my grandma home after my sister's play Saturday and not getting a chance to eat before it. So, those calories pretty much can be added to it...but it still makes it a pretty low day.
I hate to admit it, but when I get bogged down with life, I have a tendency to fall into a depression and forget to do the things I should. Thank goodness I'm realizing it for myself this time before someone else has to. I figured out that I set my alarm for Friday (but didn't turn the ringer on) which made me miss my first class. Missing class made me unaware that we had a test today (thank goodness, everything was about what I deal with in work daily!). I had to push myself to exercise, remind myself to eat, make an extreme effort to study, and force myself to go to bed. Things I let slide by: picking up after myself and showering. Yesterday, I avoided any contact with my roommates and ignored a few phone calls. This is just wrong...I'm seriously thinking about finally seeing someone about my situation because I'm so sick of the mood swings.
To try to break the depression pattern, I'm scheduling out every activity because knowing exactly what I need to do gives me a routine and something to focus on. I even am planning all my meals ahead of time. I am going to TRY to focus on one problem at a time...which means not stressing about the move until I have immediate needs taken care of...Paul is just going to have to chill about it. Hopefully, things will just work themselves out without driving me insane!
To end on a good note, for my official Monday weigh in, I'm actually down 3 pounds...I'll take any loss that I can get!
Posted by
Ms Gigglepuss @
1:02 PM |
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Reasons Why...
It's 68 degrees and beautiful outside, but I'm in my room wasting the day away! I just have no energy after all the crap I've done this week...finishing a presentation that I didn't do much with until the last minute, studying furiously for accounting and business law, dealing with some personal crud, and working too much. I've been getting to bed so late that I overslept for my first class on Friday. Remember all the exercise I did last week? Well, it didn't happen so much this week. I did eat pretty well though and the scale is down another 1.5 pounds for the week.
So anyways, I've been catching up on reading my favorite blogs that I haven't had a chance to during the week. I was shocked to hear that one of my favorite writers,
Beckie, is stopping her challenge. I guess I would stop too if the food fight was affecting my attitude. So far, my focus on food/health has made me happier overall and has helped me realize other goals too. I've been working on a list of reasons why to lose weight/exercise/eat healthy to push me to keep on doing it and not procrastinate.
- Exercise is much more comfortable when your thighs aren't creating friction and rashes.
- Larger clothing takes up too much room in my suitcase.
- No strange arm flappiness when I wave hello/goodbye.
- Not having to worry about springing a leak when I laugh too hard.
- Being able to see future grandchildren grow up and get married without any medical devices.
- No worrying about squeezing into a seat into the auditorium and taking up all the shared arm rest too.
- Being able to go to a restaurant and not having people check out exactly how much I eat.
- Being able to run a mile without onlookers debating whether they need to call 911.
- Cuter clothes! Ann Taylor size 8 here I come! --Jenniy
- I cannot wait for the day when I will no longer feel the need to wear pantyhose under everything to smooth out all the rolls and jiggles.--Kerri
- I look forward to running down a flight of stairs and not feeling my belly jiggle like a bowl full of jelly.--Renee
- I look forward to sitting in my car and not feeling the creases on the sides mashing together.--Renee
- Not having my thighs rub together, better yet, if I can achieve that sexy sexy space Windsor Pilates always talks about--Renee
- My gut no longer overlapping my jeans when I sit down--Still Renee :)
- Shopping for style & pleasure vs. practicality & pain--Renee (I love your extra reasons on your site that spawned so I'm copying!)
- Having so much muscle I can eat whatever (w/in reason), eat more calories (good ones of course) and know my metabolism is humming on high vs. being stuck on slow--Renee rocks!
- Wearing racerback tanks and capri yoga pants when shopping while looking totally fit--Renee is going strong!
- Running a race or two--I ditto on this!
- The looks on people who haven't seen me in a while--I'm definitely looking forward to that!
Because I am loving the increase in comments as of late (I will respond to all recent ones a bit later), I'm going to ask for some audience participation.
What do you look forward to as a result of achieving weight loss/better eating habits/more exercise? As you add your responses, I'll add them on here. Let's see how long this list can grow!
Posted by
Ms Gigglepuss @
5:43 PM |
Friday, March 04, 2005
Painting Me Happy?
A few months ago, my banking crew moved into a new area of the building. We were glad that all of us could finally sit somewhere near each other and not so close to the loud customer service team. Well, by moving, we lost our access to windows!! It was nice to be able to look outside and notice it was getting darker...aka about time to go home. By losing our sight of the outdoors, the days seemed to drag out forever.
Well, the upper management decided that our morale was dwindling. So, some "special" person thought of the idea to paint the walls to make us feel more cheery. I wonder how much they got paid to think of that one! So, now we have a blue wall, a red wall behind me, a green one will be to the side of me, a "mocha" colored one is coming, and the hallway blinds me with bright yellow. Plus, each pole is a different color as well. Might as well confuse us with a circus! I have reddish walls in my bedroom, and does it make me feel that much better about getting up in the AM? Not so much! We'll see if this change helps. If a darn game room that was put in when I started doesn't get used, I doubt color is going to do the trick.
So, I wonder if there is a color that would turn me off from eating and keep me turned on to exercising? I suppose if all junk food was the color of brown "poo", I wouldn't be so tempted to put it in my mouth. For exercising, I can't think of a color....maybe hot pink or lavender? Skittles make me happy so maybe it should be a rainbow of colors. I know my gym could use a new coat of paint inside...it just looks so dreary and a bit too filled with testosterone at times (especially the weights area!) I bet I'd stay longer if it looked more like a luxurious spa.
In other news, I have just been slapped with the reality that I'm supposed to be moving in about 2.5 months! Paul just sent me some info about financial institutions and schools in the area yet again. I just haven't got around to investigating anything...I've been too darn busy...or lazy...or something... I don't know, I guess it is really hard to wrap my brain around the idea that I'm getting out of the city that I've lived for all of my life! I'm not really attached to the city itself...I just am really used to knowing my way around. The most time I've spent in NY consecutively is about a week or two. When I head up there later this month, I better start figuring crap out....Paul better be giving me a good incentive to get my ducks in a row!
Posted by
Ms Gigglepuss @
11:22 AM |
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
I had to update some measurements and weights for Ediets since I haven't entered anything since November (except in the different area for the challenge I do) and they have these handy dandy charts showing my progress (and stalls and gains and whatnot) and it really had me thinking about dates.
First of all, it used to forecast the date for when I would reach goal. Not anymore! The scale and I have been so unpredictable since starting. I do remember that I was originally determined to hit my goal weight by May of this year. That is certainly not going to happen...if I'm lucky I'll be halfway there. I can't believe that I have been with the program for two years as of this coming April.
Second, my gall bladder surgery was 1.5 years ago!! I'm now at the same weight as I had dropped down to then. I had been blaming my weight gain since then due to being able to eat again for over a year!! My brain keeps telling me it was only last summer, but it wasn't. Holy shit, time flies and it's not a good thing.
Third, it does show my progress in my measurements. I've slimmed off 12 inches and I've dropped 8 points in BMI. Pretty soon, I'll no longer be categorized as obese and just fat :) What a great feeling.
I've just finished reading a few success stories, and I've decided that I WILL make it to goal by my birthday next year (which is a year and 17 days away, in case any of you want to buy presents for me early). I am committed to this goal wholeheartedly and I refuse to think about going the dreaded S route (surgery, which is great for many, but I just don't want to) unless I can say that I've done everything possible to do it myself. No more pussyfooting about accomplishing this girth anymore...Right now, I'm in the motivated mindset (again) and I just need to keep the momentum going.
And yes, the scale did show me a wonderful 4.5 pound loss yesterday. Thank goodness that my effort paid off!
Also, thanks for the great questions for my list. I've decided to screw that revision idea, but I have another list I'm formulating and will ask for some participation for that once I decide to post it!
Posted by
Ms Gigglepuss @
6:50 PM |