Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Showing Some Skin!!

Gosh, time is just flying by this month! I've been busy most of the time at work, had a few visitors, and have been swamped with homework since the last break. I know, homework is nothing new here. Plus, the weather has been gorgeous so I've spent a lot more time outdoors. I even have broke out into my capris and t-shirts without a jacket! It's still nowhere near close enough to give my pasty skin a glow yet. I have a feeling I'll be buying some fake tanner before my next vacation.

I have been doing pretty well this week foodwise. After finally getting my grocery shopping taken care of, I have been eating at home except for today when I hit Subway. And yes, I ate the healthy turkey breast instead of the chicken bacon ranch sub. I have fruits and veggies all set to go in the fridge when I get cravings and food that I actually have to prepare instead of nuke in the microwave. I think the preparation makes me think about what I'm putting in my mouth more...I've definitely been eating slower and savoring more of it. I've also kept up with journalling everything!! The WW etools were a good investment for me, I guess. Exercisewise...well I've been doing a ton of walking, but haven't hit the gym since Thursday. Tomorrow, I will get there! I also finally did the fitness test with Maya...of course, she recommended to focus on weight loss first, but I was pretty impressed with some of the results. I did discover I still have squat for upper body strength since the pushups about killed me. I am a crunching and squatting queen though!

Finally, I've put a link to my WalkAmerica donation page over to the sidebar. If you'd like to donate, go for it! Also, it gives me a visual reminder about who I still need to bug to help me (aka the parental units and coworkers!) :)