One of my worst traits is not being able to say no to requests. If someone wants me to do something, I'll try my hardest to accomplish it. Well, this time, not saying no is a good thing :)
I'm going to participate in a marathon!! One of the members of the
Ediets LO read about the six month marathon training schedule in
Prevention magazine and proposed that we get a group together and do it! So, in October, I'm planning on participating in the Marine Corps Marathon with them all. I don't know all the logistics yet, but I know that there is a limit to how many can participate and registration starts April 6th. The training schedule looks okay to me, so it will definitely keep me on course to accomplishing my own challenge to myself (which will start March 25th...look for details then!).
As a warmup to my own overall health and mental challenge, I plan on going to a WW meeting
todayTHURSDAY. I ended up being a little too late for today :( I haven't went back for about a month again due to finances. A friend of mine from school started five weeks ago and tells me every Tuesday during Business Law class on how well she's doing. I'm wondering if she's hinting that I should start going or if she is just that excited about her success. Usually, our conversations don't regard fitness at all. She has no idea that I actually am a member. So, as long as my class gets out on time, I'll be driving over during my lunch break. Since I have been halfway on track again, I'm not really worried about the scale, although I know it's a few pounds above my last visit. Wish me luck!