Well, I went to yoga last night with an open mind. I've done AM/PM Yoga at home before, and I was kind of ehhhhhh about it. I felt stretched, but didn't feel like I got much of a workout. There was a bunch of people there, but I didn't feel awkward about sticking my ass up in the air for downward dogs and all those other moves. Maybe I'm starting to get more confidence or maybe it's the hypnotism....hmmmm :)
Well, this class was an EXTREMELY SWEATY workout!! I felt like I worked just as hard as I would have with 45 minutes of cardio. I really need to get back to using my Winsor Pilates DVDs again because I have lost a lot of flexibility that I had a year ago. The best part of yoga is that I felt soooo relaxed afterwards...sleepy even. I slept like a baby last night. I will definitely be going back to this class for the rest of the month. I loved it! I'm still feeling the burn in my muscles today.
Now for a totally unrelated topic? Do you know someone that continuously annoys you by the way they say certain words?? Please, get a grasp of the English language!! The gal who sits near me at work ALWAYS says miminum instead of minimum. Everybody on my team notices it!! I have the same problem with people who say suppoebly instead of supposedly...Will I survive at least another three months hearing it every day without strangling myself with a phone cord???